Women Beauty fashion Grace is such a complex and infinite word. In short reality, beauty is everywhere. To me, beauty is kind of like art. It evokes some type of emotional response or wonder. Beauty summons the very deepest parts of our humanity and makes you feel something.
Beauty is not merely a single aesthetic. Beauty is everywhere. It is what moves us, what makes us wonder, what drives us, inspires us.
We in the world are so obsessed with declaring someone to be more beautiful than someone else? Beauty is supposed to be in the eyes of the beholder.
The media can’t seem to see it this way. They have their own opinion. So many young women are growing up in a world where they are expected to be beautiful, fit, attractive, thin, and many other things which one cannot think.
Women are constantly being made aware that they are either too fat, too skinny, not fit enough, not tall enough, etc. Not being good enough begins to take a toll on one’s self-confidence and body image. Young women especially are being broken down as they are continually exposed and expected to reach this so-called standard.
Women Beauty fashion Grace is judged so much on outer appearances displayed on magazine covers, billboards, and social media that it’s restricting them from being able to have confidence and shine as individuals.
Beauty is being brave.
Beauty is being strong, as well as raw and vulnerable.
Beauty is knowing you are amazing. Just as you are.
Beauty is being a role model for your kids.
Beauty is bringing happiness to those around you.
Beauty is being positive. Radiating from the inside.
Beauty is to know how to talk
Beauty needs a new definition and it is time to define it. Beauty should no longer be defined by the size of your waist, butt, or breasts. It should be a definition of expression. Beauty should be defined by each and every person. As long as they feel beautiful, society should accept them as they are.
The only person who can define you is you, it sounds cliché and it sounds difficult to accept but it’s the truth. Everyone deserves the right to feel beautiful and accepted. Once you truly believe and accept that you are beautiful, we will see a change in the world.
While perfectly airbrushed pictures can be beautiful, it shouldn’t be the scale on which you determine your own beauty
The pressure women put on themselves to be appealing to men has gotten way out of hand.
So many women find themselves disheartened by the sense that they need to fulfill unrealistic expectations of certain men because of social media
Women Beauty fashion Grace, The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way that she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It’s the caring that she lovingly gives and the passion she shows. And the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. A woman’s real beauty is kindness, love, joy, gratitude, and grace.
If I may quote, The perfect example of a beautiful woman is Mother Theresa, she gave so much to the world and became more and more beautiful as she aged.
A beautiful woman radiates not because of her tinted moisturizer or glossy hair, but because of that something inside her that just makes you want to be near her.
A truly beautiful woman is compassionate and caring; she will never hesitate to blow her cover by showing that she cares.
No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.
We all are beautiful, the most beautiful creation of our creator.
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